
December 20, 2009

Countdown to a “healthy” BMI: 1.7 to go!

Not another milestone…  YET.  Next one in 0.6 lbs when I’ll have removed 175 lbs total.

But as of this morning, 1.7 lbs left to remove until my BMI is under 25, in the “healthy” range.

I did get a new gadget to help me stay on track, though.

Every time I go away from my routine, my computer, and my scale, I seem to gain weight.  Last weekend I went to see Kathie in Alexandria, VA and came back 3 lbs heavier.  It set back my progress for a week.

So, knowing I have another trip coming up in January, I decided to do something about this.  Clearly just keeping a log on paper isn’t sufficient for keeping myself on track.  I need something that will give me a running total of how much I’ve eaten and how much I have left to eat for the day, and it needs to be small, and work offline.  I also need to plan on packing my bathroom scale into my carry-on.  LOL

Enter the iPod Touch with Lean Me Pro installed.  Yesterday I started logging my food on it instead of Spark People.  I found out that if the food needs to be entered you need to either do it ahead of time or make the time to do it right then, because I did not do that and went over my usual calories by 500.

Today I’ve been doing better at it, and the running records are up to date.  562 cal left to eat.  🙂

I’ve also put True Weight on there, which calculates a weighted moving average, Hacker’s Diet style.  I’ll probably still continue logging my weight over at physicsdiet, just ‘cuz it’s fun to see my ID at the top of the leader board.  hehe.

And I’ve already used it for other things – calculating the tip & split for dinner last night, caching a sermon from our minister who wasn’t scheduled to come (he comes 1-2 Sundays a month and is the full-time Episcopal chaplain at Cornell) so I could read it in church today.

It’s turning out to be a Very Useful Gadget, and cost about $200 total.  I was quite impressed with how FAST it came.  I ordered it on Wednesday afternoon with custom engraving on it “From Fatass to Badass.  Never ever, EVER give up!” and it arrived by noon on Friday.  From Shanghai, according to the Fed Ex manifest.

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