
March 12, 2010

New BMI = 23.65

One more milestone hit today.  They’re coming more slowly, now.

My current weight by the scale is 151 lbs, which is exactly one pound over goal weight.  Woot!

I have officially lost 55% of my starting weight.  That is more than every contestant on Biggest Loser except Danny who won Season 8 by losing 55.58% of his starting weight as of this past December.

By the time I’m done I will likely exceed his loss, because in order to get my average weight to 150 I will have to drop below that and bounce around between 145 and 155.  55.58% of my starting weight is 149.07 lbs.   And 145 would be 56.79% of my starting weight.

The kayak rolling is coming along fairly nicely.  3 more pool sessions left.  I’m working on the flatwater drills suggested in the Bombproof Roll book.  Video here.

Last night I did two spinning classes with a weight lifting session in between to see if I could.  I could.

Total calorie burn from exercise = 452 + 116 + 535 = 1103.

The second spinning class was a lot of work – my muscles were telling me about it and I was sweating so hard it felt like I was under water. But I did it, and burned over 500 calories according to the HR monitor, so it’s good.  And I need to start doing endurance things to get myself used to going for as long as that triathlon in July is going to take…

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